With the release of FIFA19 last month, Electronic Arts continue to grow as the biggest sports simulation game globally. Electronic Arts football game reported

Over 24Million copies in sales with P.S 4 version having the biggest chunk in physical sales of 64%, Xbox sales accounted for 35% physical sales while 1 percent sales were from Nintendo Switch sales. FIFA18 sales translated to an estimate of $3Bn in revenue (sales + in-game purchases).  The new installment FIFA19 saw a 25% drop in physical sales at launch as compared to last year’s FIFA18 clearly showing strength in online sales. FIFA19 currently tops U.K Charts after beating Assassins: Creed Odyssey and Marvels Spiderman 4.

In Kenya, FIFA game commands 90% of the gaming market with an interest growing deeper and deeper amongst many young guys in the cities. FIFA is the most played game in all gaming lounges that exist in the cities and towns. Many of the revelers of these casual and competitive players are University students.


Ace Pro Gaming organized University Series will see six universities compete in a format that will have players from all six Universities compete for points and great prizes. The e-Lig looks to position itself as an Esport experience and a platform through which students in various Universities can access many businesses opportunity, Financial Literacy and entertainment.

Our main focus of this series is to create a great, competitive and well managed FIFA series in Kenya that will uplift levels of Esports in the region but also create a platform where University students can have access to many businesses, technology, and financial literacy opportunity.

Currently, University of Nairobi, Kenyatta University, Mount Kenya University, Technical University of Kenya and Catholic University have sent in players who will represent their teams in season one of the series. The series looks to expand to other Universities in future adding a second tier division that will see a relegation and promotion system.

We call upon many University students to follow the e-Lig University Series, support their teams and also engage themselves with the various business opportunities that will be present.

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