“Compete & Dominate”

The Masters of Mayhem came into the match with one thing in their mind and that is to dominate and scoop up all matches in both rounds. Led by the “FIFA god” Flossin Mauwano showed great skill, composure and pure class against both opponents from Horizon Esports, all this not downplaying their opponents Horizon Esports who put up a spirited fight against the MoM.

The e-Lig Series
A premier online FIFA Esports Competition held in Kenya joining Savanna Fight Night (Tekken 7) as the second game in our Online Division. The e-Lig Series seeks to cement the FIFA Community and develop the competitive edge of many Kenyan players. The competition has seen two exhibition matches held in the past weeks to showcase how the League will look like when we kick-off (Announcement will be made soon).

The series will see a change in direction for FIFA Esports in Kenya as players will compete in their respective Esports Organization (teams) rather than play as individuals.

Masters of Mayhem v. Horizon Esports
“Two Esports Teams, Two players in each team, four matches, everything on the line”

Esports lovers were treated to a great match this past weekend when two of the best teams locked horns in a FUT Mode exhibition match played online. The exhibition featured Kenya's great players such as Flossin Mauwano & BariMaina from (Masters of Mayhem) and Zack, Bazenga from (Horizon Esports).

BariMaina v. Bazenga (1-1) | (3-4)
Full in-game 90 minutes was not enough to get a winner, neither was extra time enough to seal it for either of the players. The match headed to penalty shoot outs that saw Bazenga win for Horizon Esports.

Flossin Mauwano v. Zack (2-0)
Two of the best players from both organizations locked horns in the second match of the night. Flossin Mauwano went into this match knowing a win was a must for him because it would equate the match wins for Masters of Mayhem.

Peter “Flossin Mauwano” Mumu managed a 2-0 win against Zack to even the Esports battle.

Flossin Mauwano v. Bazenga (1-0)
After a win against Zack, Flossin Mauwano came back to seal a 2-0 W-L record winning 100% of his matches.

BariMaina v. Zack (2-1)
Another cracker to seal the night saw Zack go head to head against Masters BariMaina. A goal by BariMaina seemed to seal the deal but Horizons Zack had plans of pushing the game to extra time after he netted an equalizer. Zack’s mission was equalizing the Match Wins (MW per Team) which stood at 2-1 for Masters of Mayhem heading into this game. A win for Zack would mean a draw for the night but BariMaina slotted in a cracker to end the night and give the Kings of FIFA in Nairobi a reason to celebrate.

Follow our official social media pages for new information on the commencement of the e-Lig Series.


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