THE CHECK: Kahawa Sukari’s impressive start, BuruBuru Qwerty Gaming, Ma Esto Test Matches.

One of the best things about the Ma Esto (Test Match) between BuruBuru’s Qwerty Gaming Lounge and Kahawa Shuge’s SPE Lounge is the fact that we probably saw a new contender step into the conversation of which Ma Esto Program has the best recruitment drives, which community can build the next big thing in Kenyan grassroots FIFA Esports.

Ma Esto Test Match One 

The Ma Esto program started running stream tests with newly registered gaming lounges seeking to welcome them to the grassroots matches. 

Played in a One N’ Done format, the Test Matches will see older lounges playing against the newly registered ones. 

These stream tests/test matches will help the new lounges get used and fully adapt to the program activities. We project to see stiffer competition in the upcoming season as new lounges will be fielding with unknown heavyweights. 

SPE Gaming Lounge v. Qwerty Gaming Lounge 

The boys from Kahawa Sukari came with only one thing in their mind, and that was to “not lose” and they held their side of the plan. Led by Timothy “Timo” the lounge manager, the shuge boys came prepared to face off BuruBuru’s Qwerty Gaming Lounge.   

The match was played by their first recruit Ian Ouyu who managed a long lead of 2-1 up to the 89th minute after which he blew it with a costly defensive mistake that saw Qwerty Gaming Lounge level up the score. 

(The match did not go into extra-time as stated above, this was due to connection and comms issues)

“The fact that we almost saw the second-ranked team in the program lose their first attempt against a new lounge shows how competitive the FIFA22 FUT season will be.” Says Ace Pro. With newer lounges jumping in the journey, we await to see the chaos in the name of competition displayed amongst grassroots teams. 

More Stream Tests/Test Matches

Ace Pro through its FIFA division will see more Test matches as the FIFA21 season comes to an end. The new lounges will play against the old ones in a revolving format with each lounge playing against at least two of the four lounges. 

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